Tag: Time Boxes

The Value of Iterations

I often see comments in social media disparaging working in iterations. I’ve heard such comments in person at client sites in the past. Why do some people dislike iterations so much?

Sometimes they talk about the high overhead of repeated planning and tracking. This makes me suspect that their planning and tracking procedures are not aligned with their needs.

Estimating stories is a particularly sore point. People often try to estimate with a precision much greater than they need. If you’re working in iterations, there’s really only two needs for story estimation.

  1. Have we prepared enough work to keep us going for the duration of the iteration?
  2. Are we getting ahead of ourselves and preparing too far into the future?
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Getting Things Done

No, not the book and personal productivity method by David Allen, though somewhat related in intent. I’m talking about getting things done in software development.

Traditional phased software development processes tend to have a long delay between starting to work on something, and having something working that people can use. During this time, there may be a lot of work expended on partial products and artifacts to support the process, but little or nothing that could be used for its intended purpose.

Both timebox-oriented [e.g. Scrum] and flow-oriented [e.g. Kanban] methods try to emphasize getting things done so that they can be used earlier and provide value. Even if you decide not to use them earlier, at least they can be evaluated for suitability of the intended use, and progress toward a larger collection of functionality that will be deployed for use together can be more reliably tracked.

The strategies for getting things done vary. Read More

Avoiding Iteration Zero

Teams new to Agile often realize that they have a lot to do before they get their new development process at full speed. Looking at this big and unknown hill in front of them, many Agile teams choose to do an Iteration Zero (or Sprint Zero) to prepare before they start delivering regular increments of functionality. During this time, they may try to get their ducks in a row with

  • A list of features to be built
  • A release plan or timeline for those features
  • Setting up development infrastructure such as version control or continuous integration servers
  • Studying or practicing skills in new technologies they expect to use
  • … and other management, infrastructure, and technical endeavors.

They try to get all the preliminaries out of the way so they can hit the ground running full speed in Iteration One. In my experience, they’re still not ready to go full speed. These things are rarely as complete as expected after one iteration, and often aren’t quite in tune with the actual needs of the project.

The list of features will likely not be complete, but the attempt to approach completeness will dump in lots of ideas that have been given little thought. Any attempt to project into the future still has no data about how fast things can be accomplished. The infrastructure may or may not be the best for supporting the project, but it is likely that the project will now conform to the infrastructure rather than the other way around. The choice of technologies will be made speculatively rather than driven by the needs of the project. While we may do OK, we’ll have made a lot of decisions with the least amount of information we’ll have in the project lifecycle.

And we’ll have burned an iteration without producing any working software that tests our decisions.

My advice is to borrow an idea from Lean and look at the situation from the output point of view.  Ask yourself, “what would it take to start delivering?” Read More

Iteration, Increments, and Timeboxes

Like many words, we often use “iterative” and “incremental” quite loosely. I’m OK with that, until that lack of precision causes misunderstandings, disagreements, or misdirection of effort.

It’s quite common for Agile teams to speak of an iteration as a synonym for the Scrum term sprint. Both of these usages really mean timebox. Read More

Accounting for Spikes

The term Spike Solution is associated in my mind with the early days of Extreme Programming.  I’m sure that it is built from prior ideas, as everything seems to be. If the term and the concept it describes predates the Chrysler C3 project (Ron Jeffries mentions using it there), I’ve not yet uncovered it. Ron credits Ward Cunningham for the term.  I’m sure there are predecessors, even if not expressed as distinctly.

The goal of a spike solution is to answer a question. For example, a spike may be used to test the feasibility of an algorithm or 3rd party library. It may be used to explore design alternatives for solving a sticky problem.  It’s called a spike because it drives all the way through the problem, but as narrowly focused as possible. It’s not a complete implementation. Associated complexity that is secondary to the question is likely stubbed out to reduce the clutter and increase the focus. Read More