Tag: TDD

What Test-Driven Development is…

I know this has been bandied about hither and yon by lots of people. But I still see statements like the one by James Bach quoted on Matt Heusser’s blog that “the part of the testing problem they address is a small fraction of the whole.” Well, yes. Of course it is.

Maybe that’s because Test-Driven Development (TDD) isn’t a testing technique. It’s a software development technique that happens to create a safety net of unit tests.

Or, to paraphrase Captain Jack Sparrow, Read More


Categories: Tools and Techniques


Making TDD and Java Swing behave

Recently, I wrote about using the JfcUnit and Abbot frameworks to test-drive the creation of a Java Swing GUI. Since then, a post by Liz Keogh on the ExtremeProgramming yahoogroup led me to another option. It a wrapper around Swing written in conjunction with JBehave, but as Liz points out, it’s not dependent on the framework and can happily be used with JUnit, also. I like the fact that it’s really lightweight and fast. Read More

TDD and Java Swing

It’s been awhile since I’ve written any Java Swing code, and doing so now is making me feel a little stupid. Test Driving the development of Swing hasn’t improved much since the last time I did this.

Back in 2003, Jeff Waltzer and I decided to experiment with TDDing a Swing application to see if GUIs could be test-driven. It wasn’t always easy, but we convinced ourselves that they could. We started out rolling our own Swing test framework, but soon found ourselves immersed in AWT threading issues and Swing peculiarities. So, since we seemed to be headed down the road of reimplementing JfcUnit, we decided to switch and use the real thing. Read More

TDD and Exploratory Testing

I’ve often found that Developers and Testers misunderstand each other, even when they have a congenial relationship. (And in some shops, the relationship is anything but congenial.) Developers often don’t see the value of the Testers, or get annoyed that the Testers find issues that weren’t mentioned in the requirements. Testers often think Developers only consider the nominal cases, and don’t give enough attention to the edge conditions. Often, neither understands the others point of view. Michael Bolton, on the agile-testing list, said, Read More


Categories: Working Software

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