Category: Tools and Techniques

Another Approach to the Diamond Kata

I saw that Alistair Cockburn had written a post about Seb Rose’s post on the Diamond Kata. I only read the beginning of both of those because I recognized the problem that Seb described with the “Gorilla” approach that, upon reaching the ‘C’ case.

“The code is now screaming for us to refactor it, but to keep all the tests passing most people try to solve the entire problem at once. That’s hard, because we’ll need to cope with multiple lines, varying indentation, and repeated characters with a varying number of spaces between them.”

I’ve run into such situations before, and it’s always be a clue for me to back up and work in smaller steps. Seb describes that the ‘B’ case, “easy enough to get this to pass by hardcoding the result.” Alistair describes the strategy as “shuffle around a bit” for the ‘B’ case. I’m not sure what “shuffling around a bit” means and I don’t think it would be particularly easy to get both ‘A’ and ‘B’ cases working with constants and not heading down a silly “if (letter == 'A') "¦ elseif (letter == 'B') "¦” implementation. I was curious how I would approach it, and decided to try. (Ron Jeffries also wrote a post on the topic.) I didn’t read any of these three solutions before implementing my own, just so I could see what I would do. Read More

When Klunky Component APIs Show in the UX

At various times, the behavior of Facebook reveals to me that it’s a loosely coupled system with long latencies in synchronizing its various data stores. Just today, the iOS app asked me to confirm a friend request. When I did so, it gave me a pretty generic error—something about not being able to do this action at this time. That’s when I realized that I’d already accepted that particular friend request, days ago. That tells me that there are often inconsistencies between the database used with one interaction, and the one used with another interaction on another interface.

It also tells me that there are likely teams working on components, rather than features. If it was a feature team, the need for an error message would have driven a different underlying implementation. A feature team would want to differentiate between not being able to accomplish an action because it was already done, and because some problem was blocking it. For the former, there’s no need to show an error at all. Read More

Short Overview of Estimation

Back in 2008, Bob Payne and I were working with a team learning to practice Agile Software Development. They were doing quite well at a lot of things, but their sprint velocity bounced up and down like a yo-yo. The sawtooth velocity chart indicated, since they were clearly delivering value at a pretty steady pace, that they were not very good at estimating stories. Bob suggested to me that they might do as well, with less effort, by counting the stories instead of estimating them. Read More

Why I Practice TDD

I was reading Laurent Bossavit’s book, “The Leprechauns of Software Engineering—How folklore turns into fact and what to do about it,” and came across his mention of “Comparing the Defect Reduction Benefits of Code Inspection and Test-Driven Development” by Jerod W. Wilkerson, Jay F. Nunamaker, & Rick Mercer. This struck me as an odd thing to study. Not only is Test-Driven Development not primarily about defect reduction, but the populations of defects it might reduce are likely to be very different from population of defects reduced by code inspection.

I then took a look at my own list of TDD studies and noted that most of these studies were focused on external quality as measured by absence of known defects, and time it took to develop the functionality. Keith Braithwaite, at Agile 2007, reported on internal quality, specifically Cyclomatic Complexity.

Quality and productivity are, of course, important things. And they’re easy to sell to some managers. Who could be against them? And I certainly wouldn’t continue to practice Test-Driven Development if it added defects or took a significantly longer time to create functionality. But that’s not why I practice TDD. Read More


Categories: Tools and Techniques


Estimation as Hypothesis

Experimentation is a powerful learning tool. When I was young, I performed scientific experiments by mixing chemicals together to see what they would do. I learned that most random concoctions from my chemistry set would make a brown liquid that was often hard to clean out of a test tube. I learned that sometimes they would create very smelly brown liquids. These were not really experiments, however, and I didn’t really learn from them. Instead, these were activities and I collected anecdotes and experiences from them.

The scientific method rests on the performance of experiments to confirm or deny a proposed hypothesis. Unless you can propose a hypothesis in advance, you cannot design an experiment to test it. Until you test the hypothesis, you haven’t really learned anything. Read More

How do we estimate?

There have been some web posts and twitter comments lately that suggest some people have a very narrow view of what techniques constitute an estimate. I take a larger view, that any projection of human work into the future is necessarily an approximation, and therefore an estimate.

I often tell people that the abbreviation of “estimate” is “guess.” I do this to remind people that they’re just estimates, not data. When observations and estimates disagree, you’d be prudent to trust the observations. When you don’t yet have any confirming or disproving observations, you should think about how much trust you put into the estimate. And think about how much risk you have if the estimate does not predict reality.

This does not mean, however, that you have to estimate by guessing. There are lots of ways to make an estimate more trustworthy. Read More

A Big Estimate is Not a Sum of Small Estimates

I’m working with a client that has multiple, non-collocated component teams working on one project. It’s not my ideal situation, but we’re making the best we can of the situation.

We built a story map of business-oriented, project-level “epics.” These have been prioritized within business themes, and have been tentatively scheduled for development releases. The early ones have been estimated with level of effort (LOE). Basically these LOEs are Small, Medium, and Large, but given numeric scores to allow tracking project progress toward development releases from a business point of view using a burnup chart. Read More


Categories: Tools and Techniques


Multi-Release Burnup

In my experience, Agile projects almost never have a single milestone at the end. The business wants to see multiple milestones along the way, taking internal releases from the development team even if they’re not prepared to make them public. The simplest dashboard I know to illustrate this situation is a burnup chart with multiple goal lines, indicating the goals of each milestone.

This sort of chart is trivial to create by hand or with a spreadsheet. The typical Agile Project Management software, while providing a myriad of ways to view data, never seems to include something as simple and powerful as this. Fortunately, it doesn’t take much time to create your own. It takes a few minutes at the end of each sprint to update the chart, and you can make sure that the data is correct as you do so.

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Rough Cut

A common complaint against Test Driven Development is that writing tests and refactoring take too long. In the long run, I’ve found that TDD has improved my skills such that I can complete work faster by writing tests and refactoring than without. I’ve also found that this information is a weak argument for those who have less confidence in their skills, or feel too pressed for time to learn. But that’s not the only benefit. Read More

The Wrong Impression about Retrospectives

People get the wrong impression about retrospectives. They read that it’s a meeting where you list what went well, what didn’t, and what you want to change. They describe it like this:

The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for team members to bring up anything about the Sprint they feel needs improvement.  For example, a team member might say he felt he had to complete work that should have been completed by another team member.  Or a team member might say she received emails constantly which prevented her from getting any work done….

Or like this:

The format is a discussion and brainstorming. The ScrumMaster facilitates the retrospectives and let the team choose what aspect they want to improve for the next Sprint. Because the team is very technical, most of the discussion revolves around improving engineering practices, i.e latest frameworks, continuous integration, BDD, etc. Improvements get accomplished. But the point is the team thinks that rather than allocating special time to do retrospectives, they said why can’t they just do that within the sprint? The team gets the idea from Kaizen that is implemented in Toyota where the team gather in an instance to find a way where they can improve rather than going to a specially allocated sprint retrospective. Read More